Google AdSense- Am I Ready to Apply?

Google AdSense- Am I Ready to Apply?

Just to recap, your website is up. Its on a topic you know something about. You've got a decent number of pages with good information. Your site looks good as you've put a little thought into designing it. You've even submitted your website to several search engines in order to bring some traffic to your site. And you do have a stream of vistors, right? Now you're ready to apply to the AdSense Program.

Curious to know what ads might appear on your website before applying? You can use the Google Preview tool. This easy tool allows you to right click on any web page and a list of AdSense ads will pop up!

Before going further, double-check to be sure that your website conforms with all of Google's Policies. If you need to make some modifications to your sites go ahead and do that first. Google does reject sites that do not meet their high standards so be warned. Some people live in mortal fear of rejection. My first site(not this one) got accepted the first time. Its not difficult-take your time, do it right, and get approved the first time.


You'll usually hear back within a day or two, and if you've done your homework, the answer should be YES! If so, congratulations! Google will send you your log-in information to sign up for the program. Make sure to read and understand all the fine print on rules and terms for using AdSense. You will need to accept their terms and conditions and adhere to them. These terms are not difficult to understand, but you could be barred from the program for violating them. Pleading ignorance will not help. If you play by their rules, you should do just fine. Do NOT assume all the information on this site is complete or correct regarding Google's terms. Your agreement is with them, not us, so do your homework.

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