Adsense Guidelines on Placing Google Ads

You must know and comply with the Adsense Guidelines on placing Google Ads. There are rules on where and how to place your Google Ads or Adsense Codes in your blog. You must comply with the guidelines to avoid being banned from the money making Adsense program.

So, after you have made your own blog and posted your blog articles, you are now going to place your Google Ads. I assume that you have already created your own Google Adsense account when you have read my previous post. If not, then create one now by clicking the Adsense button on this page.

After you've created your Adsense account, you must know where and how to place your Google Ads. Google Ads are the Adsense codes in javascripts format required by Google to place on your blog or web site to start making money online. In your Adsense account, if you click Adsense Setup, you will see Adsense for content, Adsense for search and Referrals shown as above.

Where to Place Google Ads

Where should I place Google ads on my pages?

The best placement for Google ads varies from page to page, depending on content. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when considering where to position your ads:

* What is the user trying to accomplish by visiting my site?
* What do they do when viewing a particular page?
* Where is their attention likely to be focused?
* How can I integrate ads into this area without getting in the users' way?
* How can I keep the page looking clean, uncluttered and inviting?

Certain locations tend to be more successful than others. This "heat map" illustrates these ideal placements on a sample page layout. The colors fade from dark orange (strongest performance) to light yellow (weakest performance). All other things being equal, ad placements above the fold tend to perform better than those below the fold. Ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page.

While this heat map is useful as a positioning guideline, we strongly recommend putting your users first when deciding on ad placement. Think about their behavior on different pages, and what will be most useful and visible to them. You'll find that the most optimal ad position isn't always what you expect on certain pages.

For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the end of the editorial content tend to perform very well. It's almost as if users finish reading and ask themselves, "What can I do next?" Precisely targeted ads can answer that question for them.

Though you may place your Google Ads anywhere in your page, it is stated in the Adsense Guidelines that you should not place Google Ads on blog or site with prohibited content that promotes or contains illegal activity or infringement on legal rights of others, such as the following:

  • Violence, racism, hate and the like

  • Porn, adult or mature stuff

  • Hacking or cracking activities and stuff

  • Illegal and prescription drugs

  • Gambling or casino-related stuff

  • Incentivize visitors action

  • Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords

  • Deceptive or manipulative content to improve search engine ranking

  • Weapons or ammunition

  • Beer and liquors

  • Tobacco or cigarette stuff

  • Imitations of signature or designer goods

  • Sale or distribution of term papers or student essays

Limit of placing Google Ads on each of your page.

Another important policy is the limit of placing Google Ads on each of your page. You are allowed to place a maximum of three (3) Ad units, one (1) Link unit and two (2) Adsense for search on each of your page. If you exceed the limit on your page, excess Google Ads will be displayed as blank or whitespace. That will not be a good view in your blog or web site.

You must also know that Adsense program prohibits to encourage your visitors to click on Google Ads. There are other important policies that you have to comply with, so you must read it and understand.


Google AdSense- Am I Ready to Apply?

Google AdSense- Am I Ready to Apply?

Just to recap, your website is up. Its on a topic you know something about. You've got a decent number of pages with good information. Your site looks good as you've put a little thought into designing it. You've even submitted your website to several search engines in order to bring some traffic to your site. And you do have a stream of vistors, right? Now you're ready to apply to the AdSense Program.

Curious to know what ads might appear on your website before applying? You can use the Google Preview tool. This easy tool allows you to right click on any web page and a list of AdSense ads will pop up!

Before going further, double-check to be sure that your website conforms with all of Google's Policies. If you need to make some modifications to your sites go ahead and do that first. Google does reject sites that do not meet their high standards so be warned. Some people live in mortal fear of rejection. My first site(not this one) got accepted the first time. Its not difficult-take your time, do it right, and get approved the first time.


You'll usually hear back within a day or two, and if you've done your homework, the answer should be YES! If so, congratulations! Google will send you your log-in information to sign up for the program. Make sure to read and understand all the fine print on rules and terms for using AdSense. You will need to accept their terms and conditions and adhere to them. These terms are not difficult to understand, but you could be barred from the program for violating them. Pleading ignorance will not help. If you play by their rules, you should do just fine. Do NOT assume all the information on this site is complete or correct regarding Google's terms. Your agreement is with them, not us, so do your homework.

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A Website or blog of Your Own for Google AdSense./Why You Should Not Use AdSense In Your Domain Name?

A Website of Your Own/Why You Should Not Use AdSense In Your Domain Name?

The one thing you'll need of course, is your own website or blog ! If you do not know the basics of creating a website, or do not understand how to copy or paste some basic html, do not fear-there are many excellent programs that can build a website for you, though you'll have to do a little extra work on your own. Now back to your website. Follow the few simple rules here and you'll be on the right track.

IMPORTANT :Why You Should Not Use AdSense In Your Domain Name?

My friend received a warning email from Google AdSense team on Friday,July 14, 2006. Google AdSense team found violations of AdSense policies on my website.

The Original Warning Email From Google AdSense:

From: Google AdSense []
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 9:38 AM
Subject: Google AdSense


While reviewing your account, we noticed that you are currently displaying Google ads in a manner that is not compliant with our policies. For instance, we found violations of AdSense policies on pages such as

Publishers are not permitted to make prominent use of "Google Brand Features" on sites showing Google ads. Google Brand Features include Google logos, product screenshots, or other distinctive features Additionally, publishers may not place Google ads on sites incorporating Google trademarks in the site URL or on sites that frame Google pages, including search results pages.

As a result, we have disabled ad serving to the site.Your AdSense account remains active. However, we strongly suggest that you take the time to review our program policies ( ) to ensure that all of your remaining pages are in compliance.

Please note that we may disable your account if further violations are found in the future.

The Google AdSense Team
To help keep your account in good standing, we recommend all publishers review the policy guidelines found here:

It was not an account termination email but my friend was still shocked by the email. He do not want to be kicked out from the program because he put in a lot of hard work promoting his AdSense sites using the right techniques. he tryhis best not to violate any of the Google TOS and policy. Google AdSense team informed us that they had found violations of Google policy on one of his website.

These violations on his website have nothing to do with invalid clicks or impressions. This could be the reason why he was not banned from the program. This also shows that Google does not simply kick people out of AdSense for small mistakes.


Rule #1: Make sure your site or blog is on a subject you enjoy writing about and know something about.

It may be on a hobby, area of expertise, whatever! Perhaps its on how to mend a leaky roof, your trip to Patagonia, collecting art deco figurines, or how to create low-fat recipes. Now, I’m not taking about a one page website thrown up on the web, but a minimum 10 page site is a good place to start. Each page should probably be about 300-500 words on average to be on the safe side including captions, figures etc. Your content should be original. It is fine to conduct your own research on the web for inspiration, and write your content based on this, but do not copy anyone else's material! Also do not take anyone else's copy, change a few words here and there, and call it your own. Copyright violations are usually taken very seriously and furthermore, if your site is believed to be a copy of materials already published elsewhere on the web, you may be dropped from the AdSense program. But if your website is something you're passionate about, you shouldn't have to worry about coming up with good content on your own, and you should be able to churn out 10 pages in a couple of weeks.

There is a widespread practice of using free articles to build a website. Again, if your website is based largely on materials that have already been published elsewhere, your site may not rank as highly in the search engines or be accepted into the Google AdSense program. It is fine to use free articles, but do so sparingly and only when you feel it will complement existing content on your site.

Rule #2: Make sure your website or blog is on something that other people are interested in as well.

If you site is on some esoteric subject on which you are the sole expert, and for which virtually no market exists, such as 'Prison Ruins of Ancient Mesopotamia' or 'Molecular Biology of Parasitic Snails,' you may as well stop here and broaden your interests. Go on, google these two examples and see how many sponsored links show up. (This is another good way of testing how relevant your website topic is-the more sponsored links there are for your website topic, the more likely it is to be a suitable candidate for AdSense). Now I have nothing against ancient prison ruins or parasitic snails, but if you wish to monetize your website through AdSense, there needs to be a real market for the information you are presenting. Sometimes you will hit the jackpot by finding a 'niche' interest that no one has yet filled in the web ecosystem.

Many of the things people are most interested are illegal, or frowned upon. Google has made its own list of topics it deems objectionable which are not eligible for the AdSense Program(some of these are listed below). You cannot display AdSense ads on such websites.

Google does NOT accept websites into AdSense that include:

  • Excessive profanity
  • Violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organization
  • Hacking/cracking content
  • Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia
  • Pornography, adult, or mature content
  • Gambling or casino-related content
  • Sales or promotion of certain weapons, such as firearms, ammunition and brass knuckles ; beer or hard alcohol ; tobacco or tobacco-related products; prescription drugs; products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods

For a full list of ineligible sites, see Google AdSense Policies.

Now its time to design your website forAdSense. :)


How to Qualify for Using AdSense™?Can You Have More Than One AdSense Web Site for Your Google AdSense Account?

How to Qualify for Using AdSense™?

Applicants must get thoroughly acquainted with the Program Policies. Then, check on site content requirements: theming, site design and additional advertising. Depending on the nature of your site, see if you know all about AdSense™ for blogs, forums, personal pages and image gallery pages.

Particularly the unofficial AdSense™ qualification requirements represent a matter of interest, for the official demands for site acceptance are common knowledge and are nothing extraordinary.

They mainly consist of the quality of the content (they clearly specify the topics of sites that are not accepted) and site functionality, and there are no strict criteria, such as minimum traffic requirements.

However, it's the first duty of any applicant for AdSense™ to get informed and keep posted with AdSense™ Program Policies.

The most frustrating situation is when you evaluate your site as acceptable, being compliant with the acceptance policies and still receive the “We're sorry” reply. And not that it's just frustrating, but it can be more difficult to get in once rejected if you intend to reapply. So, from what we've experienced ourselves, from what we've gathered from others playing the game, here we come sketching the off the record requirements of an acceptable AdSense™ site:

First and foremost! Google AdSense™ means content-relevant ads, therefore you must have content. Any site has content, you'll say, but not any content is good enough.

Content is real, useful information on a theme, relevant for the reader (and for the Google™ crawler), not just commercial text. If your site promotes exclusively your own product, you need not apply for AdSense™ as it can do nothing for your site, for advertisments on your main theme (i.e. the product you promote) will be ones of direct competitors. AdSense™'s filtering method will prevent them from showing, so... no ads.

Blogs & Forums

Some blogs or forums are not accepted. Still, information-rich ones are not just accepted, but work wonderfully with AdSense™ for their owners.

Initially, the idea was not to accept this type of sites. But practice has shown that they represent exactly what users are looking for: honest, useful, unbiased information, where anybody can express just what they truly think, and right when they feel the need to do it. On condition they are not artificially created for other purpose than that of letting their users interact in the world of ideas and benefit from each other's experience and knowledge.
Chat Sites

These are a no-no and are considered not suitable. Small talk pages are not a right place for Google™ to put its name on!

Image Galleries

Contrary to the general belief, image pages may host AdSense™ if the images are accompanied by as little as some brief explanatory lines, relevant for the Mediabot.

Personal Pages

Usually, these contain a series of facts about the owner of the page, are not theme-relevant, so are not written on a specific topic. That's why they are not usually accepted. Still, there are cases of acceptable personal pages — if these comply with all the requirements for acceptance. That is, such a page will not be rejected just because it's a personal page!
Site Length and Growth

The site should have at least around 15 pages to begin with. The longer a site, the more it is interpreted by Google™ crawler as relevantly-themed content. It is important that you keep enriching and improving your content and add more pages to your site over time, as this will not only keep visitors plugged into what you publish but it will work wonders for CTR also. Changing just a bit the “angle” of your content will bring new ads, may reveal new sides for an area of interest.

Site Theme

Keep the theme unitary and clear. A site about many topics that are not related to each other may result in Google's interpretation as not clearly themed.


No excessive advertising, no banners. As a rule, AdSense™ does not allow advertising competing to its own, in any way (either by topic or by aspect). Even if it says it allows affiliate or limited-text links, keep these to a minumum, keep your site as "clean" as you can, for interpreting the meaning of “excessive” is surely subjective and can be deceptive. Better safe than sorry, right? Doing this is also recommended as a means to improve your ads CTR.

However strange may seem when talking about a site, looks do matter! That is, not that it has to be exquisitely beautiful, but it should be presentable, in case it needs “human spidering” for admission.

The safest is to make sure you've figured every of the above mentioned aspects. If so and good luck, go ahead with the application procedure!

Making money with Google Adsense is easy, efficient and many consider it one of the best investments you can make in online marketing. “How can I make money with Adsense?” This question populates 99% of all webmaster and search engine optimization forums. Many people interested in how to make money with Google Adsense get bombarded with hundreds and thousands of promotional messages, with companies offering to take care of creating their little Adsense empire for them. For a price, of course! Although some of these companies are legit and they offer good web development, ethical search engine optimization (SEO) and knowledgeable advice on how to maximize your Google Adsense revenue, others are simply after your money. This is why staying informed at all times is essential – otherwise you'll end up spending hundreds of dollars on a mirage, without achieving anything extraordinary as far as Adsense is concerned. The only way to learn how to make money with Google Adsense is to understand the basic rules that support this whole online marketing process.
Basic steps in increasing your Adsense revenue

In order to earn cash with Google Adsense you need a well built website and some basic marketing. Here are a few steps you should take:

1. Do you have a website? If you do, skip this step. If you don't, you need to build one and make it “Adsense compatible” from the very start. Choose a topic you are interested in and see how much competition you will have – simply do a search on Google for the main keyword. Finding a niche market, with high paying keywords and low competition is ideal. Avoid highly competitive words like “weight loss” or “credit card services” – international companies are investing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to appear first in the search engine results, so your little site stands a very slim chance. Pick something you like – a hobby or passion – and turn it into a website. Choose a relevant domain name, possibly with the keyword/s in it.

2. Write your own content, especially if it's on something you are good at. If you can't write well or if you don't have the time, hire a copywriter to do the work for you. And simply change the question from How to make money with Google Adsense? Into How to make MORE money with Google Adsense? Unique, interesting and well-written content is the answer to both!

3. Build a simple, easy to use, well structured website. Use our web development guide if you don't know how to proceed.

4. Promote your website once it's up – don't put Adsense on it yet. Start some link exchanges, submit your site to Google and other major directories, tell your friends to link from their sites to yours.

Advanced Google Adsense tips

Internet marketing is tougher than classical marketing, however, it's also more flexible. You can achieve the same results not through one but through several methods. Here are a few advanced tips that will show you how to make money with Google Adsense:

1. Do your best to get targeted visitors to come on your web pages. Optimize the site (see our SEO guide for more info) and get links from reputable websites that have topics similar or related to yours. More targeted visitors equal more Adsense revenues.

2. Adsense ad placement is vital – don't place your ads on the bottom of the site, especially if the visitor needs to scroll down to see them. Many consider that the upper left part and center of the website are the best places to display Google Adsense.

3. The color of the ads is also worth considering. There are no definitive rules here – some webmasters say they make money with Google Adsense by displaying contrasting ads, while others place non-intrusive ads that blend in with the rest of the website design. Experiment with Adsense and monitor any CTR increases due to ad placement and visual appearance.

Can You Have More Than One AdSense Web Site for Your Google AdSense Account?

According to Google, you can’t have more than one AdSense account. However it is possible for you to have more than one AdSense web site for your Google AdSense Account. Having more than one AdSense web site for AdSense account does not violate Google terms and conditions. You don’t even have to inform Google about your new AdSense web site because Google will automatically detect the new site. In fact, the more AdSense web sites you have displaying Google AdSense ads, the more money you will make. However, you must make sure that any new site you add, it must conform to Google AdSense Program policies.

Making sure that all of your AdSense web site comply with Google AdSense terms and conditions is very important because if any of your AdSense web site violates the rules, your account will be terminated. If your account is terminated, you have no choice but to remove all the AdSense code in all your AdSense web sites because you would not be able to display the Google AdSense ads on any of them.

For your new AdSense web site, all you have to do is copy and paste the same ad layout code you previously copied and pasted to your original site. The same rules apply when adding an AdSense for Search box to your new site. Simply choose all the parameters from the choices displayed, copy the code to the new site or new pages within the old site.

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Why Advertise in Blogs?

Why Advertise in Blogs?

Blogs sell !!!!!!!!!!!!!! And advertisers have grown aware of this. Real blogs, that is. Blogs may be either gold or nothing for advertisers, depending on their popularity.

The first condition for a blog to become popular is to address a large mass of people by topic and rich content.

The second is dynamism. A reason why advertisers love so much blogs is that they have a large area of exposure by blogs' ever-growing, fresh content.

The third is good promotion. Feeds (RSS or Atom) spread out the word. These are the drivers of the system and make a difference from stalled content wesbsites.

Genuine blogs have what it takes to sell. Real bloggers become opinion-makers and niche influencers. (Here lies the superiority of blogs towards forums):

* They rejoice credibility from readers -- popular blogs gain the status of trusted source.
* They have the power of persuasion -- bloggers use argument and evidence to sustain their point of view. Recommendations from them are more likely to be granted attention.
* They impel to action -- blogs relate emotionally to the reader and involve the reader.

The other side of the coin is that blogging could be deturned by the purpose of making money, thus content could suffer. How far can one go in chosing a topic: just for the sake of blogging or to match an advertising target?

Just as not all blogs are good for advertisers, not all advertising is for blogs. Ads that are interesting, thought-provoking work for blogs. Blog advertising is less for entrenched brands and more for new products or new launches.

It’s amazing how many ideas come from the chats I have with other bloggers, co-workers, readers, friends and family both in real life and via IM or email.

  • Reader Questions - related to this is responding to questions asked by readers
  • Reader Comments - similarly, the comments left on your blog can be a treasure trove of ideas for future posts
  • Other Blogs - like this post, I find the writing of others often stimulates posts that build on, extend or bounce off their ideas. Don’t forget to dig around in other people’s archives also as it isn’t only current posts that are places where you’ll get ideas. Of course always give credit to the source of your ideas.
  • Books, Newspapers, Magazines - I’m increasingly finding inspiration in offline sources of information
  • Mad Ideas - ever been laying in bed at night and get a crazy idea! I don’t just chuckle to myself when they come - I get up and write them down. It’s amazing how many of them end up being key posts for me later.
  • Experience - a fairly large proportion of my post ideas come directly out of an experience that I’m having on the topic. Problems, achievements, challenges and mistakes are often the best source of useful posts as you’ll find readers relate well to them.
  • Brainstorming - I take time out each week to specifically come up with ideas to post about. While most of my posts ‘just come to me’ through my day to day rhythm - I’m a big believer in working hard on story ideas also and have a folder permanently on my desktop filled with text documents that have little else in them except for a topic idea and perhaps a few jotted down notes - all to work on later.
  • Archives - dig around in your own blog’s archives and you’ll be amazed at the opportunities that you’ll find. Look for half finished ideas, opportunities to update your ideas or even topics that your newer readers wouldn’t have seen before.

  • Now how To Drive Traffic to Your Blog ?

    Learning the basics

    First you need to grasp and understand that the Internet is a big place. Several billion web-pages, and often with very little time available to the end-user, they’ll use several techniques to find what they’re looking for.


    Search? Standard engines like Google, Yahoo and Live are the most popular nowadays, and optimizing your site to be found easily, can be easy and hard based on many factors.

    My best advice for someone starting out would be to start by building quality content for somebody to see, then progressing to “The Three Cs”. This way, you’ll get noticed by genuinely interested people, who’ll actively want to play a part in your site’s development, by giving you quality feedback on ways to improve, design and usability.

    If you have a blog or a website that’s been going for several weeks, perhaps a month or two, and you’ve done “The Three Cs”, or at least some of them, would be to start focusing on building on your existing content, with fresh, interesting, relevant and unique content. Note I say ‘relevant’ and ‘unique’. This is important. There are so many splogs out there now-a-days, that people can quickly distinguish whether an article has been written by somebody or not, at least the majority of the time. Relevance too, like I said, is a key factor. If you have a very personal blog, then one day write something completely off-topic about a new type of golf club that comes out, people will start to wonder if you and your blog actually have an aim or a purpose, which is yet another vital thing to consider.

    If you’re somebody with a very mature blog, that is several months or more old, you can now focus on the technical side of things, which is mainly down to the spiders. If you’ve been blogging this long, then if you’re not on your own domain, or hosting, I recommend it, as it allows for greater flexibility, design and SEO. Search engine optimization? Yep! A Google Sitemap can be stuck on your server for the Google-Bot and metatags can be added, which let you pre-define information about your page automatically, such as the author, a description, keywords and feed information. This also makes usability easier for feed-ready browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer 7. Tacky pre-set designs become a thing of the past too, and upgrading to Wordpress can be a smart move, as the developer community there will help you along the way with every aspect of your blog, from the writing itself, to the advanced functionality like widgets that are available, and the themes that are freely downloadable to customize your blog’s look. Of course you could always give design a go yourself as I did at - though admittedly I enlisted the help of two professional designers as well.So, what are these ‘C’s that I’ve been talking to you so much about anyway? Read on to find out…

    - “Commenting on related blogs is probably the most effective strategy early on in the process. And responding to comments when people leave them on your blog (this encourages them to keep coming back).” And from Brody - “I visit other blogs in my niche, add them to my feed and participate in the discussion on their blogs via the comments. Writing interesting comments often gets people to click through to see your site.”

    2. Join Forums - - “I’ve found that one very quick way to infuse readers to a new blog is to be active in discussion forums related to your blog topic. Locate posts that ask for help with something you are familiar with and share your experience.”

    3. Write Effective Post Titles - - “Simple and to the point. The title should create an instant urge to read the entire post… But of course it should be related to the topic of your blog”

    4. Interviews - - “One example being to interview fellow bloggers who are in the same niche as me. This has gone down well, and has been great for both myself and the interviewee as traffic flows between us.”

    5. Persist - - “Persistence is key. After starting up a new blog last month and letting go of another this month, I notice that traffic (quality traffic) doesn’t happen over night. On my last site, I think it took 6 months before found me.”

    6. Connect with Local Bloggers - “The other thing I’ve been doing just recently is connecting up with other bloggers in my city and the neighboring towns. We’ve got something of a link exchange going and a nice side-effect to this is that I/we have discovered that there are quite a few more bloggers and/or website authors in the area than ever expected.”

    7. Give Away Free Stuff - - “I’ve had some success with giving away free stuff, like free templates for WordPress. It doesn’t give me lot of new readers, because my blog is written in Norwegian, but the templates give lots and lots of new links to the blog, giving it a much better pagerank in Google, which in turn should mean more readers from search-engines.”

    8. Be Opinionated - - “Be opinionated, but encourage opposing viewpoints in the comments. Opinionated makes you interesting - encouraging other perspectives makes you essential.”

    9. Ask Questions of Other Bloggers - -

    “Ask questions of other moderately successful bloggers and try to network. If you shoot too high, you’ll often get blown off because these people have so much stuff to read and deal with.”

    10. Use Trackbacks - - “Sending highly creative and penetrating trackbacks about a blogger’s original post.”

    11. Advertise -- “Buy advertising space on related websites.”

    12. Educate Readers about RSS - “With the most recent blog I launched I created a page in WordPress called Feeds which not only has the RSS icon on it but a description of what a “feed” is and what are some of the most common ways to subscribe and use feeds, mostly pulled from a CC article.”

    13. Offline Promotion - - “Talk to friends, family and coworkers about them… you’d be surprised how much the traditional way of “networking” really does work…. also Business cards, depending which blog I’ll post on a community board at a grocery store.

    14. Search Engine Optimization - - “Properly optimizing my blog has been a big boost to my readership. Once I figured out how to play around with SEO I started getting a regular 25-35% of my hits from Google.”

    15. Quality Content (mentioned by many) - writes - “Posting only quality content.. obviously! Better posts are discussed more, increasing both the number of comments and references in other blogs.”

    16. Blog Carnivals - writes -“submitting posts to Blog Carnivals”

    17. Memes - writes - “I’ve picked up a handful of wonderful friends and readers through initiating the “Thursday Thirteen”. Yeah, a meme. Bloggers want to know about bloggers, not just the business aspect of it but the *person* writing the blog. Reading a quick list of “getting to know me” type tidbits gives me instant inside information on whether or not I will become a regular visitor. Some participants have used it solely to gain business, but frankly I think that turns people away. People are interested in people first, and what they do second. It works.”

    18. Frequent Posting - writes - “I also try to post frequently. I find that the more I post, the more readers I have. The less comments, but the more readers.”

    19. Guest Bloggers - “I invite other bloggers to guest blog and allow always one link back to their site. I have 3 active guest authors … and in return they link to my site from time to time.”

    20. Get Links from Other Blogs - “Getting mentioned on other sites and blogs in the same niche, I think, has been the best way to get a readership who keeps returning to a blog. Make contact with other bloggers in yoru niche via comments, email, AIM, skype, homing pigeons - whatever.”

    21. Newsletters - writes - “The Zookoda newsletter provides nice spikes and people tend to forward the newsletter to their friends.”

    22. Social Networks - “Submit your story to Digg and reddit and, regardless of whether it makes the front page or not, you get 50-100 free hits. The easiest way to generate quick exposure. Failing that, comment frequently on blogs that you like. With any luck, the blog author will want to find out more about you, follow the link to your blog, and perhaps write a post referencing one of your posts.”

    23. Pitch Your Posts - - “I view other bloggers as a PR pros view journalists working in traditional media. I reach out to bloggers using tactics successfully employed in the world of professional media relations. For instance, I “pitch” specific posts that they might find adds value to topics they are writing about. I also send email introducing them to my blog, but only if there’s a good fit between my blog and theirs. The key is to be very selective in approaching the “media gatekeeper”–just as successful and smart media relations people do.”


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    What's AdSense? -Quick Start Guide

    What's AdSense?

    Google AdSense is the program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website—with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.
    AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your site and your site content. And when you add a Google search box to your site, AdSense delivers relevant text ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors’ search request.

    Quick Start Guide

    Step 1: Log in to your account


    Login Box

    * Go to
    * In the Existing Publisher Login box, at the upper right of the browser window, enter the email address and password you supplied during signup
    * Click Sign in
    * Agree to the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions by clicking I Accept

    Step 2: Generate your ad code

    Setup Tab

    * Click on the AdSense Setup tab
    * Choose AdSense for content as the product
    * Select the 'Ad unit' radio button and click Continue
    * Select your ad format and click Continue
    * Click in the grey box under 'Your AdSense code' to highlight your code

    Note: From your AdSense Setup page, you can also generate code for AdSense for search or referrals by choosing either as the product.

    Step 3: Copy and Paste the code to your pages

    * Copy the code you've just highlighted
    * Paste this code into your webpages using your HTML editor
    * Save your pages and publish them to the web

    How Does AdSense™ Work?

    Google™'s huge advertising system has two sides: on one hand there is AdWords™ — advertiser's playground — and AdSense™ — publisher's domain.

    * Advertisers pay on a PPC or CPM basis (or both if they choose both forms) for Google to display their ads.
    * Google places these ads on its keyword search result pages (relevant text-based results marked as “Sponsored links”) and on external sites that host Google ads (the ads appearing under “Ads by Google”).

    1. The website owner signs in to the program.
    2. Ads are placed on the website according to:
    * AdSense™'s contextual selection and filtering criteria
    * the publisher's options (the publisher gets to filter ads)
    * the advertiser's option, in the case of impressions-based advertising (the advertiser can choose from a number of available sites)
    3. The publisher receives an undisclosed share of the revenue from the ads.

    AdSense™ is based on the PPC and CPM advertising payment models.

    AdSense PPC advertisments are text ads that appear on your website according to its contextual selection and filtering criteria. When a site visitor clicks on the ad, the advertiser is charged a small amount, of which Google keeps some and pays some to the website owner.

    AdSense CPM ads are text or image ads and are site-targeted. The advertiser pays each time his ad is displayed on a page (every time Google ad code is executed by a user's browser). The same, each time an impression is registered, a share of the money goes to the publisher. In this case the advertiser gets to choose the sites on which his ads will show.

    Here's how things are going on in the backstage: Google™ centralizes the ads through AdWords™ and uses a contextual targeting algorithm for their placement, that is, sorts them out so as to place them on sites with specific appropriate content.

    The strategy lies in the reasoning according to which surfers that visit a page might be interested in finding additional info or products on that particular topic. And it works if your website is good enough for the purpose. Your gain means having an attractive website and keeping visitors interested so they feel the need to go further and find out more by clicking on the ads.

    Apply here:

    From what I am reading in online forums and discussion boards, Google adsense is still ruling the roost, in terms of popularity, for those wanting to start earning money from home.

    I personally, have Google adsense ads on most of my websites and I find that even with the lowest of daily impressions an income can be earned. Ok you won't make a fortune with a few hits per day but if you are constantly building websites and optimizing them for adsense then the income can REALLY add up.

    A few of my most recent websites are only getting 10-20 impressions per day but really high click through rates. Some days I can earn $2-$3 per site for a couple of clickthroughs from these low traffic sites. This denotes HIGH interest from advertisers paying big bucks to Google for certain keywords.

    Unbelievably, many entrepreneurs are earning six figure incomes per month from adsense revenue alone.

    The smart earners are building site after site then building out the ones that show potential.

    The idea is to set up sites in relatively unknown markets but also balanced with some interest in the advertising field. For instance, if you choose a niche with little or no interest from advertisers then the income will reflect this lack of interest, ie. no one will be paying google for advertising in your niche or they will be paying very little and you will earn pittance per click thru.

    You can maximize your revenue potential by displaying Google ads on your website. Google puts relevant CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost per thousand impressions) ads through the same auction, and lets them compete against one another. The auction takes place instantaneously, and, when it’s over, AdSense automatically displays the text or image ad(s) that will generate the maximum revenue for a page -- and the maximum revenue for you.

    Get started in minutes

    Becoming an AdSense publisher is simple. All it takes is a single online application. Once you're approved, AdSense takes only minutes to set-up. Just copy and paste a block of HTML and targeted ads start showing up on your website.

    Make extra money with a Google search box

    Place a Google search box on your site, and you can start monetizing the results from web searches. Not only does this keep your users on your website longer—since they can search from where they are—it takes just minutes to implement. And you pay nothing to participate.

    Customize AdSense for your site

    You can customize the appearance of ads, choosing from a wide range of colors and templates. Ditto with your search results page. Your reports are customizable, too. Flexible reporting tools let you group your pages in any way you want so you can view your results by URL, domain, ad type, category and more to learn where your earnings are coming from.

    One site of mine in an obscure niche gets hundreds of unique visitors per day and loads of adsense clickthrus, yet the income is only a dollar or two daily. This tells me that advertisers are paying very little, probably in and around 10 cents, for keywords in my niche.

    At the other end of the spectrum you DO NOT want to choose a niche with so much competition that you cannot get any traffic at all. The "work at home", "home business", "internet marketing" niches are not good examples for a newcomer to make money from Google adsense. The competition is just too great. If you DO already have an established home business site then by all means add some adsense ads to your site.

    Like everything else I have done online I have learnt through trial and error, Google adsense has been no different. If you don't put the ads out there then you will never know the potential.

    I do get some clickthrus from my home business sites and the click thru rates can be anything from 10-15 cents to $1-2. Not bad!

    Google adsense is definitely here to stay for the forseeable future and we can all see why. If you have any vision at all you can see the potential in earning from Google adsense and exactly why it has become so popular.

    Apply Here:

    Google adsense

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    How Bloggers Make Money from Blogs?

    I’ve long advised that bloggers seeking to earn an income from blogging spread their interests across multiple revenue streams so as not to put all their eggs in one basket.

    The wonderful thing is that this is becoming easier and easier to do 2005 has seen many options opening up. I thought I’d take a look at some of the ways that bloggers are currently making money through blogs.

    Income Streams for Bloggers

    Advertising Programs - Perhaps the most obvious changes in the past few months have been with the addition of a variety of viable advertising options for bloggers. The most common way bloggers seem to earn money online is via the contextual ad program from Google - Adsense. Another two popular ones with many is BlogAds. A more recent addition that many are using successfully are Chitika’s eMiniMalls and CrispAds, Text Link Ads.

    Adgenta, Azoogle Ads, Intelli Txt, Peak Click, DoubleClickTribal Fusion, Adbrite, Clicksor, Industry Brains, AdHearUs, Kanoodle, AVN, Pheedo, Adknowledge, YesAdvertising, RevenuePilotTextAds, SearchFeed, Target Point, Bidvertiser, Fastclick Value Click and OneMonkey (to name just some of the options - I’m sure I’ve forgotten some) and there is a smorgasbord of options. Of course there is more to come with MSN Adcenter and YPN both in beta testing and with a variety of other advertising system currently in development (so I hear).

    RSS Advertising - The past 12 months have seen some advances in RSS Advertising also. I’m yet to hear of any bloggers making big dollars through it to this point - but as improvements are made to the ad programs exploring this I’m sure we’ll start to see examples of it being profitable.

    Sponsorship - In addition to the array of advertising programs that are available to join there is a growing awareness in the business of the value and opportunity that exists for them to advertise directly on blogs. I’m hearing more and more examples of this and have been fortunately to have a couple of ad campaigns of my own in the past month - one with Adobe a couple of weeks ago and another just completed with Ricoh for a new digicam over at my Digital Camera Blog. These are not isolated cases - as I say I know of many blogs exploring sponsorship with advertisers at present and suspect we’ll see more of it in the year ahead. Sponsorship is also happening on a post by post basis with some bloggers being paid to write on certain topics by companies - either in one off or a regular fashion.

    Affiliate Programs - There are larger affiliate programs like Amazon, Linkshare, Clickbank and Commission Junction but also literally thousands of others from the large to the very small.

    Digital Assets - Increasing numbers of bloggers have been developing other digital assets to support and add revenue streams to their blogs. By this I mean that I’m increasingly seeing e-books, courses and tele-seminars being run by bloggers. My recent foray into this with the first series of the six figure blogging course that Andy and I ran a few weeks ago and have just released the study version of. This type of activity will only increase in future - in fact this week I’ve seen numerous examples of bloggers running courses.

    Blog Network Opportunities - with the rise in popularity of Blog Networks - bloggers are also being presented with more places to earn an income from their blogging - by writing for and with others. While it might be difficult to get a writing gig with one of the bigger networks - there are plenty who are always asking for new bloggers to join and who are willing to pay bloggers using a variety of payment models. While there are distinct advantages of blogging for yourself - blogging for an established network who will handle a lot of the set up/promotion/admin/SEO etc has it’s advantages also. More and more bloggers are combining writing for themselves on their own blogs with taking on blog network blogs as additional income streams.

    Business Blog Writing Opportunities - as blogging has risen in it’s profile as a medium more and more businesses are starting blogs. Many of these companies have internal staff take on blogging duties - but an increasing number of them are hiring specialist bloggers to come on and run their blogs. I know of a number of bloggers who in the past month or two have been approached for such paid work. Check out Bloggers for Hire if you’re looking for this type of work.

    Non Blogging Writing Opportunities - Also becoming more common are bloggers being hired to write in non blogging mediums. Manolo’s recent coup of a column in the Washington Post is just one example of this as bloggers are increasingly being approached to write for newspapers, magazines and other non blog websites. Along side this is the rise of bloggers as published book authors - this is to the extent that one blogger I spoke with this week complained to me that they were one of the few bloggers than they knew who didn’t have a book deal!

    Donations - Tip Jars and donation buttons have been a part of blogging for years now but this last year saw a number of bloggers go full time after fundraising drives. Perhaps the most high profile of these was Jason Kottke of who through the generosity of his readership was able to quit his job and become a full time blogger.

    Flipping Blogs - Also more common in 2005 was the practice of ‘Blog Flipping’ - or selling of blogs. This has happened both on an individual blog level (I can think of about 20 blogs that sold this year) but also on a network level (the most obvious of these being the 8 figure sale of Weblogs Inc to AOL).

    Merchandising - My recent attempt to sell T-shirts wasn’t a raging success, but it is an example of how an increasing number of bloggers are attempting to make a few extra dollars from their blogs by selling branded products through programs like Cafepress (although I have to say they’ve lost one of my own orders and are being quite unresponsive to my requests to follow it up at present). While I didn’t have a lot of success with merchandising - quite a few larger blogs are seeing significant sales - especially blogs with a cult following. I’m not at liberty to discuss details - but I know of one largish blog which will see sales over $20,000 in merchandise for the calendar year of 2005.

    Consulting and Speaking - While it has been popular for established consultants to add blogs to their businesses we’re also starting to see bloggers with no consulting background earning money by charging readers for their time in consulting scenarios BECAUSE of the profile that their blogs have built them. Blogging has the ability to establish people as experts on niche topics and we all know the value of being perceived as an expert. I spoke to one blogger last month who charges himself out at over $200 an hour for speaking and consulting work - his area of expertise was something that he knew little about 18 months ago - but through his blog he’s become a leader in his field and a minor celebrity in his industry.

    As time rolls on there are more and more blog earning opportunities opening up. Feel free to suggest your own ideas in comments below.


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